Well hello there,
Long time no see. I've been a busy bee trying to get myself, the house and my work in order. I'm now feeling better and have been enjoying the wonderful sunshine with my boys!! The allotment is thriving and i have one very happy husband and 2 little boys that enjoy picking veggies for their tea.
On a sad note I have finally admitted defeat with my design work, its just not happening and I think I've finally realised that there is more to life and I really don't have to feel guilty that
1) The ideas are not coming
2) Working to deadlines that make not only me but the whole household stressed
3) That I may never design for an agent again?!?
Sooooooooo, I started Usborne books which was great but still not really paying the bills so I'm now working behind a bar/restaurant, working set hours, with a boss and I leave all the problems there when I finish. It's quite a relief not being my own boss, yes I enjoyed it but it's non-stop and does take over family life!
So there it is, I have had a good clear out of my fabric store and have listed them in bundles on e-bay, pop across if you want to grab a bargain http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=150358761206 Hope i've done this link right, any probs drop me a line.
Take care and I look forward to hearing from my bloggy friends xx