Thursday, 4 November 2010

Hop little froggies

Have spent the morning selling cupcakes with my sister in aid of the local children's ward at the hospital, we made 94 cakes and sold 90, so not a bad days work. Am one very proud big sister, who loves sampling the cupcake delights that my sis cooks up-think sprinkles and frosting are a fab combination!!

New froggie design in the process, have been working on it on and off all week, just a couple of tweaks and it'll be there.

Bit of a funny day, my eldest is not going into school well at the mo, lots of tears which is not a great combination for either him or me first thing in the morning. Trying to get to the bottom of it, new teacher and some kind of "cloud"system which monitors whether they're behaving is possibley to blame???

Roll on Friday, looking forward to a Bonfir party with good friends xx

1 comment:

  1. Haha you are a naughty blogger like me, always dissappearing! Try and keep it up ( I am trying too!) your blog and work is lovely and I love popping in to peek into your life.
    Loving the froggy design <3
